It's been a great time to study at Royal College of Art which I recently graduated MA Animation course a week ago.(already!) It's no surprises that it has not been always entirely happy and fun, but the days about scratching, hitting my he…


最近まではTwitterのみで十分に感じていたが、自らのTwitter環境が充実していくにつれて、むやみやたらに言えないようなこともあるな、と感じてきた。 ひょっとするとこちらのブログの方が、ちょっと思ってることをつぶやくのに使い勝手がいいのかもしれない…


An outstanding insight on the relationship between things and space. Very brave design.. ] ]

SOUR / 日々の音色 (Hibi no Neiro)

Bike bike bike...

I can't stop watching them. Its refined simplicity and geometric stoicism seduces me quite often.. [ ]

Tomokazu Matsuyama

Vaninshing Point

This is a simply nice one with a strong Tokyo oriented touch.

Charley Harper

I've been mumbling about my works here.As well as I keep updating my work in progress, from today, I would like to introduce daily inspirations of mine for sharing and mapping my interests. In the very first time, I would like to introduce…

My current film in progress-5

It has been a very tough and blue period for me to deal with my work. As I was working on, I started to know technically and even conceptually nothing about this piece which was exhausting on the both when I try to deal with it or try not …

My current film in progress-4

Just a bit of images I've found on the web, but they all inspire enough the view of my film which is still internal of my head.. ]

My current film in progress-3

It's been slow progresses on my latest work. I'm still on the phase of experiments on the tone of the work, there's not much time left for the deadline though...!! Here are some working images below,, [ ]

It's been a quite while from the last post. Due to my condition wasn't that well in previous year, I've been less posting things, but I'll try exposing more things in here and in a real world this year..Talking about my ongoing project, I'…

My current film in progress.

It's been such a long time since I've written here the last time.. It was quite long period that I've adjust to all the new things including the new working environment in UK. Since the college has kicked out, we've been through lots of wo…

To apply a 3D touch to my work.

This is the first time for me to use a 3D application in my work and "Cinema 4D" is the one to appreciate this time.I think I don't want my idea restricted by using a certain media when working on stuff. I rather fond of that my idea will …

- TO -

From this morning, I start out noting and mumbling about my ongoing animation "TO".This is a part of my project to visualize my thought process and to experiment capturing things in the world from a cinematic point of view. Time, Movement,…

かなり久々の更新。。 そんな全く筆無精気味の僕が、最近手伝わせていただいてるワークショップのご紹介です。 前回、皆さんのおかげさまで好評だったFUMIが、今までのヨガ・マクロビオティック・日本酒のワークショップに加えて、夏らしく瑞々しいフルーツ…

憧憬 流儀 可笑しみ 享受 そして徒労 それはとても可笑しくて、愛おしくて。 人生って、、、、とことん///

ワンストローク。 日記をかく行為ってぼくが送る、ぼくのための応援歌みたいもの。 ぼくを映し出す鏡のようなもの。音楽ってぼくの思いや感情を代弁してくれるもの。ぼくと共に寄り添ってくれるもの。 ふわり。 ふとしたタイミング、頭に様々な人々のあのコ…

このイベントおもしろそう!! 行きたい!


ひとはいつもおおくをかかえながらいつのひかだれかをしあわせにするためにいきるのだぼくはそのためにいまをいきなければならないのだいずれいっさいのむじゅんがひとつにむくわれるときをおもってぼくはゆめをみるよるがとけていく 。 。 Hanson Little We…

引力はひとつしかない 嘘だ 白鳥は溺れる …… しずむ しずむ しずむ 水に映る己の影飲みほし 白い点が青に消え あるは空と海と だれが鳴らした白鳥の黒い手風琴 さざなみのたつことももう無く ・

今日スタバで本読んでたら、お隣の席でかなり深刻に、自身の人生の転機について語る仲良し親子がいた。 何かと思い聞いていた。何故かぼくの人生っていつも崖っぷちだな、って思った。 人生の転機もクソもないほどに、移ろい続けているのが僕の常。。 何かを…



なんか自分が自分でないかんじ。気が気でないかんじ。なんでだろう。。 そういや、今日はとても春らしい日だな。 I feel like I'm not what I am somehow...I don't know why though. It was such a sunny and warm day today. Does the beginning of spring…

I know nobody sees this blog and I can't still find the reason to show up my upcoming schedule here though, I will land in London on 9th March. This time I'll head to there to take an interview as a part of an entrance exam for the college…

OBAMA INAUGURATION LIVEオバマ大統領就任式ライブ ワシントンに突撃取材!2009.01.20 midnight in Japan1月20日深夜(日本時間) 未来社会を探るオバマウェッブチャンネル Change with us. www.we-obama.com 世界は変わる、新しい経済と働き方は? 地球…


この世界に生きることはこの世界が成り立っているリズムを学び、そのもとに生きる事。重力、身体感覚や諸々の環境や文化的背景、これらが僕らという存在を成り立たせる。 人々は寄り添い合い、相互の関係がより円滑に活性化するように規則をつくる社会的な動…

今日は誘われて、とあるデザイン事務所の忘年会に出席。 共通の知り合いが意外に多く、ぼくが手がけた仕事を知る人まで!!すごく褒めてを頂いて、正直驚いた!そして、とても嬉しかった。。。 自分にとって、つくったものを誰かに見てもらう事はほんとうに…