After long consideration on purchasing between Motion 3 and After effects, I've in the end choosen the later one and it was right decision enabling me to have the idea of the Z point which is just beautiful.

Things are opened all the time and something always makes us realize something beside has already enough and even too much. Too much to know more that is an absolute presence to me anyway.
As I work on,I sometimes think "Do I really love and think it's the best thing?",all the time I try to figure out by not only thinking,but my physical reaction.
I can't answer to the one yet but I could have understood many times that I needed to create works.
Once I think it that way,It's seemingly keeping creation of an animation is my FATE-kind of thing but the other pops up after that like 'Maybe things can be whatever'.
I've got a kind of seed,so I could grow myself within the kind of the seed' area. The creation process makes me provoke the richness and presence of the limitation.
....I gotta get back to my life then.